Excel Tables make analyzing data, a breeze. It surprises me that it is not used as often as it should. It automatically “includes” new data you add to your spreadsheets, it automatically drags down formulas for you, it automatically formats the tables for you. In addition to that, you can use structured references that make your formulas tractable without having to name each range. You can also link an Excel Table to your PowerPivot Model. For a comprehensive, yet concise list of stuff excel tables can do, I recommend reading through this page.
While excel tables are indispensable when it comes to analyzing data, they are not built for displaying data. They can’t handle merged cells. Also, they require the headers to be on the first row. Nonetheless, the core features of an excel table are very useful while developing dynamic spreadsheet applications. Consequently, I developed macros that mimic excel tables: naming ranges automatically, dragging down formulas and formats. However, this post is only about quickly formatting tables in your sheet.
I reckon that a table formatting procedure should be able to do the following
- Add Fill Colours
- Change Font Colours
- Drag down Number Formats
- Make Banded Rows and Columns; I am not a big fan of it though.
- Add Borders
- Differentiate between Headings and Data, and format them separately.
Here is the Code
Format tables that have headers on top
Sub FormatTableRowHeadings(Optional ByRef WhichRange As Range, _ Optional ByVal HeaderFontBold As Boolean = False, _ Optional ByVal HeaderFontColor As XlRgbColor = rgbBlack, _ Optional ByVal HeaderFillColor As XlRgbColor = xlNone, _ Optional ByVal ContentFontColor As XlRgbColor = rgbBlack, _ Optional ByVal ContentFillColor As XlRgbColor = xlNone, _ Optional ByVal ContentZebraTint As Double = 0) 'Declare Sub Level Variables and Objects Dim Table As Range Dim Header As Range Dim Contents As Range Dim EachCell As Range Dim HeaderRows As Long Dim TempInteger As Long Dim Counter As Long 'Use the Active cell, if the user did not specify a range If WhichRange Is Nothing Then Set WhichRange = Application.ActiveCell End If 'Initialize Variables HeaderRows = 1 'Include the region surrounding the Range as well Set Table = WhichRange.CurrentRegion 'Check if there are merged cells in the Top Row, and remember 'the size For Each EachCell In Table.Rows(1).Cells If EachCell.MergeCells Then TempInteger = EachCell.MergeArea.Rows.Count If TempInteger > HeaderRows Then HeaderRows = TempInteger End If End If Next EachCell 'Set the Top Row, including its merged cells as the Table's 'Headings Set Header = Range(Table.Item(1, 1), _ Table.Item(HeaderRows, Table.Columns.Count)) 'Apply the formatting to the header If Not Header Is Nothing Then 'Make the headings bold Header.Font.Bold = HeaderFontBold 'Add Color to the font Header.Font.Color = HeaderFontColor 'Add fill colours to the cells Header.Interior.Color = HeaderFillColor End If 'Check if the current region has data. This prevents an error from 'occurring if the "table" is a single row header. If Table.Rows.Count > HeaderRows Then Set Contents = Table.Offset(HeaderRows).Resize( _ Table.Rows.Count - HeaderRows) End If 'If the current region did have more than just a header, go ahead 'and format the data If Not Contents Is Nothing Then 'Drag down number formats If Contents.Rows.Count > 1 Then For Counter = 1 To Contents.Columns.Count On Error Resume Next Contents.Columns(Counter).Cells(1, 1).AutoFill _ Contents.Columns(Counter).Cells, xlFillFormats On Error GoTo 0 Next Counter End If 'Add color to the font Contents.Font.Color = ContentFontColor 'Add fill color to the cells Contents.Interior.Color = ContentFillColor 'Add banding to the rows If Not ContentZebraTint = 0 Then For Counter = 2 To Contents.Rows.Count Step 2 Contents.Rows(Counter).Cells. _ Interior.TintAndShade = ContentZebraTint Next Counter End If End If End Sub
Format tables that have headers to the left
Sub FormatTableColumnHeadings(Optional ByRef WhichRange As Range, _ Optional ByVal HeaderFontBold As Boolean = False, _ Optional ByVal HeaderFontColor As XlRgbColor = rgbBlack, _ Optional ByVal HeaderFillColor As XlRgbColor = xlNone, _ Optional ByVal ContentFontColor As XlRgbColor = rgbBlack, _ Optional ByVal ContentFillColor As XlRgbColor = xlNone, _ Optional ByVal ContentZebraTint As Double = 0) 'Declare Sub Level Variables and Objects Dim Table As Range Dim Header As Range Dim Contents As Range Dim EachCell As Range Dim HeaderColumns As Long Dim TempInteger As Long Dim Counter As Long 'Use the Active cell, if the user did not specify a range If WhichRange Is Nothing Then Set WhichRange = Application.ActiveCell End If 'Initialize Variables HeaderColumns = 1 'Include the region Surounding the Range as well Set Table = WhichRange.CurrentRegion 'Check if there are merged cells in the First Column, and 'remember the size For Each EachCell In Table.Columns(1).Cells If EachCell.MergeCells Then TempInteger = EachCell.MergeArea.Columns.Count If TempInteger > HeaderColumns Then HeaderColumns = TempInteger End If End If Next EachCell 'Set the First Column, including its merged cells as the Table's 'Headings Set Header = Range(Table.Item(1, 1), _ Table.Item(Table.Rows.Count, HeaderColumns)) 'Apply the formatting to the header If Not Header Is Nothing Then 'Make the headings bold Header.Font.Bold = HeaderFontBold 'Add Color to the font Header.Font.Color = HeaderFontColor 'Add fill colours to the cells Header.Interior.Color = HeaderFillColor End If 'Check if the current region has data. This prevents an error from 'occurring if the "table" is a single column header. If Table.Columns.Count > HeaderColumns Then Set Contents = Table.Offset(, HeaderColumns).Resize(, _ Table.Columns.Count - HeaderColumns) End If 'If the current region did have more than just a header, go ahead 'and format the data If Not Contents Is Nothing Then 'Drag to the right, the number formats If Contents.Columns.Count > 1 Then For Counter = 1 To Contents.Rows.Count On Error Resume Next Contents.Rows(Counter).Cells(1, 1).AutoFill _ Contents.Rows(Counter).Cells, xlFillFormats On Error GoTo 0 Next Counter End If 'Add color to the font Contents.Font.Color = ContentFontColor 'Add fill color to the cells Contents.Interior.Color = ContentFillColor 'Add banding to the rows If Not ContentZebraTint = 0 Then For Counter = 2 To Contents.Columns.Count Step 2 Contents.Columns(Counter).Cells. _ Interior.TintAndShade = ContentZebraTint Next Counter End If End If End Sub
Add borders to a table
Sub AddTableBorders(Optional ByRef WhichRange As Range, _ Optional ByVal TableLineStyle As XlLineStyle = xlContinuous, _ Optional ByVal TableLineWeight As XlBorderWeight = xlThin, _ Optional ByVal TableLineColor As XlRgbColor = rgbBlack, _ Optional ByVal TableLineTint As Double = 0, _ Optional ByVal TableEdgeLeft As Boolean = True, _ Optional ByVal TableEdgeTop As Boolean = True, _ Optional ByVal TableEdgeBottom As Boolean = True, _ Optional ByVal TableEdgeRight As Boolean = True, _ Optional ByVal TableInsideVertical As Boolean = True, _ Optional ByVal TableInsideHorizontal As Boolean = True, _ Optional ByVal TableDiagonalDown As Boolean = False, _ Optional ByVal TableDiagonalUp As Boolean = False) 'Declare Sub Level Variables and Objects Dim Table As Range Dim WhichBorder As Border 'Use the Active cell, if the user did not specify a range If WhichRange Is Nothing Then Set WhichRange = Application.ActiveCell End If 'Include the region Surounding the Range as well Set Table = WhichRange.CurrentRegion 'If the user set TableLineStyle to xlNone, reset all the 'border boolean markers to False If TableLineStyle = xlNone Or TableLineWeight = xlNone Then TableEdgeLeft = False TableEdgeTop = False TableEdgeBottom = False TableEdgeRight = False TableInsideVertical = False TableInsideHorizontal = False TableDiagonalDown = False TableDiagonalUp = False End If 'Go through each border and apply the formats if the use chose to 'have it in the table. 'Left Edge Set WhichBorder = Table.Borders(xlEdgeLeft) If TableEdgeLeft Then With WhichBorder .LineStyle = TableLineStyle .ColorIndex = TableLineColor .TintAndShade = TableLineTint .Weight = TableLineWeight End With Else WhichBorder.LineStyle = xlNone End If 'Top Edge Set WhichBorder = Table.Borders(xlEdgeTop) If TableEdgeTop Then With WhichBorder .LineStyle = TableLineStyle .ColorIndex = TableLineColor .TintAndShade = TableLineTint .Weight = TableLineWeight End With Else WhichBorder.LineStyle = xlNone End If 'Bottom Edge Set WhichBorder = Table.Borders(xlEdgeBottom) If TableEdgeBottom Then With WhichBorder .LineStyle = TableLineStyle .ColorIndex = TableLineColor .TintAndShade = TableLineTint .Weight = TableLineWeight End With Else WhichBorder.LineStyle = xlNone End If 'Right Edge Set WhichBorder = Table.Borders(xlEdgeRight) If TableEdgeRight Then With WhichBorder .LineStyle = TableLineStyle .ColorIndex = TableLineColor .TintAndShade = TableLineTint .Weight = TableLineWeight End With Else WhichBorder.LineStyle = xlNone End If 'All the vertical lines in between Set WhichBorder = Table.Borders(xlInsideVertical) If TableInsideVertical Then With WhichBorder .LineStyle = TableLineStyle .ColorIndex = TableLineColor .TintAndShade = TableLineTint .Weight = TableLineWeight End With Else WhichBorder.LineStyle = xlNone End If 'All the Horizantal lines in between Set WhichBorder = Table.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal) If TableInsideHorizontal Then With WhichBorder .LineStyle = TableLineStyle .ColorIndex = TableLineColor .TintAndShade = TableLineTint .Weight = TableLineWeight End With Else WhichBorder.LineStyle = xlNone End If 'I included the diagonal lines just to romove them if someone, 'edded it inadvertently. 'Diagonal Down Lines Set WhichBorder = Table.Borders(xlDiagonalDown) If TableDiagonalDown Then With WhichBorder .LineStyle = TableLineStyle .ColorIndex = TableLineColor .TintAndShade = TableLineTint .Weight = TableLineWeight End With Else WhichBorder.LineStyle = xlNone End If 'Diagonal Up Lines Set WhichBorder = Table.Borders(xlDiagonalUp) If TableDiagonalUp Then With WhichBorder .LineStyle = TableLineStyle .ColorIndex = TableLineColor .TintAndShade = TableLineTint .Weight = TableLineWeight End With Else WhichBorder.LineStyle = xlNone End If End Sub
Sub ResetTableFormats() Call FormatTableRowHeadings Call AddTableBorders(, xlNone) End Sub Sub FormatRowCrimsonDark() Call FormatTableRowHeadings(, False, rgbWhite, RGB(45, 45, 45), _ rgbWhite, rgbCrimson, 0.2) Call AddTableBorders End Sub Sub FormatRowGoldDark() Call FormatTableRowHeadings(, False, rgbWhite, RGB(45, 45, 45), _ rgbBlack, rgbGold, 0.2) Call AddTableBorders End Sub Sub FormatColumnCrimsonDark() Call FormatTableColumnHeadings(, False, rgbWhite, RGB(45, 45, 45), _ rgbWhite, rgbCrimson, 0.2) Call AddTableBorders End Sub Sub FormatColumnGoldDark() Call FormatTableColumnHeadings(, False, rgbWhite, RGB(45, 45, 45), _ rgbBlack, rgbGold, 0.2) Call AddTableBorders End Sub
Additional Notes about these procedures
- These procedures use merged cells to differentiate between the headings and data.
- You can specify fill and font colours for headings and data separately.
- You may choose to make the headings bold and add banded rows.
- The macro drags down the number formats.
- I have declared the colour arguments as ‘XlRgbColor‘ enumerations, i.e. you will get a list of colours as soon as you hit comma key on your keyboard. You may also use the RGB function to specify colours, if you know exactly what colour you want.
- I used the Interior.TintAndShade property of the Range object, to create banded Rows.
- The argument accepts any value between -1 and 1.
- Positive fractions make the colour lighter
- And negative fractions make the colour darker.
Download the workbook and import its modules into your projects. I urge you to go ahead and read through the code. I have added in a lot of comments to help you understand what it does, for you may have to tweak it a little to fit your tables.
Go wild with the colours and share your themes here.
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I don’t have access to Dropbox, so can’t get the “Cover” macros, and am not sure how to use these functions without an example.
Also, in copying code, some of the code was mistranslated, for instance “>” is in your code, which I think means “Greater than”, and “”>””, which I’m not sure of by may be “Equal to or Greater than”
I am sorry about the code snippets. Will update it soon. Could you access dropbox outside of work, and mail it to your work ID?
Yes, I think I can do that. I’ll try it tonight.
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