Excel Report Generator – Fill Reports with Records, Print and Save Automatically

Excel Report Generator

Many small-scale businesses do not use database management systems to generate reports. Most of them stick to spreadsheet packages. Unfortunately Spreadsheet softwares are not equipped with  advanced query and report generating features. However, some Excel users struggle with Reports that they update, save and print manually. It is a very tedious job, but VBA can make it better. I have created a spreadsheet application you may used to fill a template/report with different “Records“, save each in a separate workbook, and print automatically.

Extract the Nth word in a String in Excel

Get Nth Word Excel Example

Visual Basics for Applications (VBA) allows users to build on the existing functionality of  Microsoft Excel. It comes with a strong set of inbuilt functions that are often not readily accessible from Excel’s interface. These functions have to be wrapped inside a user defined function to be usable in Excel. A classic example is the Split function.